I had finished the top of this quilt over the weekend and I started piecing the back. This morning I finished up the back using up all my scraps of Sunkissed by Sweetwater and had to add a bit gray to make it big enough.
(Hopefully saved just enough for the binding.)
I turned every other block 90º which create a larger negative space for quilting.
Maybe tomorrow I will set myself up to sandwich this quilt.
After finishing the backing for the quilt above, I got a bug to get one of the many projects that I have had in my head for a while done. There on my side table was a mini charm pack of Lilly and Will by Bunny Hill that I received as a 'Thank You' and a half yard piece I purchased to add to it. Yes, it has been hanging around there for some time! :)
I started laying out the squares in rows on my work table. Then pulled out my bag of Kona white scraps and cut 32 ~ 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" pieces and 7 ~ 1 1/2" x 14 1/2" pieces. Used those for some white sashing. I continued with a large white border all around, then added a 2 1/2" outer border from the yardage.
It is fun to have summer spontaneous moments in my sewing room!
Who would have thought I would get 2 flimsy ready for sandwiching today.
Here are a few of my favorites from the International Quilt Festival in Chicago this past weekend. I'll put the names of the ones I remember.
Can you see the 3 dimensions to some of the squares?
White Swan by Martha Schellingerloud.
Beautiful quilting on a domestic machine!
Zen Magpies by Helen Godden
Zentangles on fabric! Impressive!
I believe this one used the Stack and Whack method. Even though these are not my preference, I was impressed by how clever it was done.
boots block details
fish block details
Trapezoids at Work by Jenna Brand
Maybe I'll add a few more on a later post. What have you been working on?