Friday, June 27, 2014

Slowly catching up on... Art Journal Calendar pages.  The last post that I shared showed my April pages without entries. Here it is with the entries written. 
(my not too exciting daily entries)

I added some buttons to give it a little more dimension...sewing with my daughters in Austin!
(those black to correct an oops!)

For May, I used birdies for the cute!
It reminded me of the birds returning after such a harsh winter.
(I may go back and draw in some legs.)
Here it is with my entries. 
Pretty simple but with my busy schedule, that is what I could accomplish. 
I kept a list on my phone...picking one/two things from each day. It is 
amazing that I only missed a few days. I didn't want to give up so I say, 
'Better late than never!'

Now for June and July...

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Here's what's new....

I had finished the top of this quilt over the weekend and I started piecing the back. This morning I finished up the back using up all my scraps of Sunkissed by Sweetwater and had to add a bit gray to make it big enough. 
(Hopefully saved just enough for the binding.)
I turned every other block 90º which create a larger negative space for quilting. 
Maybe tomorrow I will set myself up to sandwich this quilt. 

After finishing the backing for the quilt above, I got a bug to get one of the many projects that I have had in my head for a while done. There on my side table was a mini charm pack of Lilly and Will by Bunny Hill that I received as a 'Thank You' and a half yard piece I purchased to add to it. Yes, it has been hanging around there for some time! :)

I started laying out the squares in rows on my work table. Then pulled out my bag of Kona white scraps and cut 32 ~ 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" pieces and 7 ~ 1 1/2" x 14 1/2" pieces. Used those for some white sashing. I continued with a large white border all around, then added a 2 1/2" outer border from the yardage. 
It is fun to have summer spontaneous moments in my sewing room! 
Who would have thought I would get 2 flimsy ready for sandwiching today.  

Here are a few of my favorites from the International Quilt Festival in Chicago this past weekend. I'll put the names of the ones I remember.

Can you see the 3 dimensions to some of the squares? 

White Swan by Martha Schellingerloud. 
Beautiful quilting on a domestic machine!

 Zen Magpies by Helen Godden
Zentangles on fabric! Impressive!

I believe this one used the Stack and Whack method. Even though these are not my preference, I was impressed by how clever it was done.
 boots block details
fish block details

Trapezoids at Work by Jenna Brand

Maybe I'll add a few more on a later post. What have you been working on?

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Making slow progress

On my design wall is my 'next up' project.  It will be a wedding quilt for this summer. I have cut most of the pieces...I ran out of Kona finish cutting the 4 1/2" squares. 
I'm using the remains of a jelly roll of Sunkissed by Sweetwater and a few extra pieces of yardage.  
I have been able to put together a few blocks...
Some of the blocks will be mixed colors, others will be mostly one color. I'll have to play with the placement of the colors as more blocks are finished. 
I also turned every other block 90º...not sure if this arrangement will be the final...I'm sure I'll play with this too! 
This block is called Cornerstone. You can find it here.
I'm linking up with Sewjo Saturday over at My Go-Go Life. 
Head over to see what others have been working on!