I unexpectedly took time away from my blog but not from quilting!
Recently, I was asked to do a commission quilt by some friends from our church. It is a T-shirt quilt for their daughter that is graduating from HS. I don't usually take on commission work but decided to go ahead. I knew I would have to put aside my personal projects except for the quilt I was making for H2H Charity ~ Jack's Basket in order to insure that it would be done for the graduation party in June. I met with them to look over the T-shirts and determine the ones that would be included in the quilt. We also talked about style of quilt (puzzle/mosaic verses grid), colors and size. I also gave them some resources to look for sashing, borders, backing, and binding fabrics.

I set out to determine the size of the blocks based on the largest logo and cut and stabilize the T-shirts. They decided to go with the 4 x 5 grid style quilt with sashings and borders. I have ordered the backing and binding fabrics so we have a little lull in this project as I wait for delivery.
In the meantime, I was able to sandwich and quilt my Ribbons of Joy quilt for the Hands 2 Help project hosted by Confessions of a Fabric Addict. I'm quilting for Jack's Basket. Yesterday, I put the final stitches on the binding and threw it in the washer and dryer for the some crinkle goodness!
Since I backed it with flannel print from my stash, it is so soft.
I love the primary color scrappy ribbons and the cute bug flannel backing!
I quilted straight line along the edge of the ribbons and in the negative white space, I quilted a loose weave pattern.
The binding is a red and white stripe fabric from my stash.
This quilt finished at 36" x 40"
It is ready to be sent off to Jack's Basket and hopefully bring joy to a special family.