Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Summer Update: Part 3

 July ended with a beautiful bridal shower that we had for my youngest daughter! Friends and family gathered to celebrate the future bride (and groom). It was a lovely brunch with mini muffins, egg muffins, charcuterie cups, fruit salad, BLT salad, croissant sandwiches, a mimosa bar and pretty cupcakes decorated with flowers! There were fun shower games, a photo booth and plenty of gifts for the new couple!

Draw the bride's dress
Where are the couple?
the couple
bride and her sisters
bride and groom's sisters
the moms
bride with her childhood best friends
my best friends
my sister
friends like family

My wedding gift

2 days after the shower, my husband and I leave for our trip to Norway! 
(It was booked 1 year ago.)
Stay tuned!

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Sweet sentiments