Saturday, April 30, 2022

A finish I can finally share!

 I'm excited to share my recent finish finish for my new granddaughter (due to arrive May 17th)! We had a 'Sprinkle' for my daughter today where I presented the quilt to her. She was thrilled with how it turned out. 

My daughter picked the pattern (Fresh as a Daisy by Linsey @PenandPaperPatterns) which I already owned (and previously made) as well as the color scheme. I did not show her my progress while I sewed to keep a bit of surprise for her. 
I named this quilt Simple and Sweet. The pattern is very enjoyable to stitch and the daisies are just so cheerful! They can't help but bring a smile to your face!
I changed the layout slightly from Lindsey's baby layout by shifting the columns up or down to get a finished quilt 43.5" x 52.5".
The background color is Kona Seafoam, the daisies and binding is Kona Snow, and the flower centers are Kona Yarrow, Kona Daffodil and Kona Mustard.  
I pieced the backing with large strips of the 3 Kona yellows 
and the Kona Seafoam. I also pieced an additional daisy into the back. 
The quilting is stitched in the ditch in white thread around the daisies, FMQ a swirl in the centers with matching yellow thread and the background is FMQ in a
 meander with matching green thread. 

Although I couldn't find daisies,  this photo makes me happy!
Linking to Finished or Not Friday @AlyciaQuilts, Linky Party @ Patchwork and Quilts, and Foto Fun Friday @Powered by Quilting

Saturday, April 16, 2022

April brings on PINK!

 April! Bring on the PINKS! Angela announced pink for the RSC color for this month. I finally got some  time to pull out my pink scrap bin and start my RSC blocks! Here is my Hang Ten block, all pretty in pink!

The bonus blocks I get from the Hang Ten block are my Squiggle blocks!

I just love pink and gray together. Don't you!
I'm linking to Scrap Happy Saturday @SoScrappy

I also worked on a few more projects! Here are my first 2 Scrap Buster blocks for April. This is a Facebook group.
                      and here is the flimsy for Hands2Help. This year Mari @The Academic Quilter is hosting Hands2Help for Sarah.
Stay tuned for more updates. 
Linking to Finished or Not Friday @AlyciaQuilts and Linky party @Patchwork & Quilts
Last weekend I took a class from Craftymonkies and learned Improv Curves. This was a fun class. Here are the blocks I made in class.
And finally I will show you my March calendar journal. 
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend! It still is not warm here (-30º from last year's temperature). We will still enjoy some family time, Easter egg hunts, Easter baskets, and Easter dinner!

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Wedding Quilt finished and Received!

 I made this quilt for a very close family friend's youngest daughter's wedding.         This past weekend we celebrated with them! We had so much fun and the bride              and groom were stunning! I am finally able to share with you the quilt,            'When the Stars Align'.

My youngest daughter grew up with the bride and she chose neutral grays and white for the colors, and liked the pattern I chose. The pattern is Christmas Star by Zen Chic. Instead of placing the blocks on-point I rearranged them and I also resized the pattern to fit the size wanted. 
I machine pieced and machine quilted the quilt including a 'ghost star' in the negative space. The fabric for the back is a white and gray marble extra wide piece with a strip of the lightest gray from the front. 
Its finished size is about 63" x 75"
Here is the happy couple opening the gift! I love that I got to see their reaction!

Congratulations Kim and Matt!