Saturday, August 20, 2022

August: Vacation, Quilting and the End of Summer

 My husband and I were able to get away for a fabulous and much needed vacation to Colorado. We spent time relaxing, hiking and sightseeing! There is no end to the beauty of the mountains! To see pictures from my vacation you can visit me on Instagram or Facebook. Here a taste of the beauty!

Since I knew that I would be away for the start of the #30daysofimprovqal, I worked ahead so I could post on IG. The first week of the challenge was stripes. The goal is 5 blocks each week made using the daily prompts and improv cutting and sewing. 
Week 2 was playing with polygons
Now that I'm home, Week 3 has been completed but I will save those for another post. 
I also worked ahead on my RSC blocks! August color is ORANGE!

I'm linking to Scrap Happy Saturday @So Scrappy

I brought my 4 New York Beauty blocks that I finished with me to Colorado to do a photoshoot 'in the wild'. These blocks were designed by Elizabeth Eastman of OP Quilt and were free on her blog. I always wanted to try some New York Beauty blocks and this was a great opportunity to get started! I love them!

On our way home, we made a stop in Hamilton, MO....Quilt Town USA! I would guess that every quilter has heard of the Missouri Star Quilt Co. and Jenny Doan. I had never had the chance to actual go and visit. Here are a few glimpses from the town.

My husband is a good sport and supporter of my quilting! ✂️
Since this post is getting so long, I'll be back with what I have done since coming home to catch up! 😉


  1. I live in Colorado, and yes, it is beautiful! Looks like you enjoyed your time here. I love the pictures with your NY Beauty blocks! The stripey improv blocks are great - pretty colors. I haven't visited Missouri Star, but sure would like to - looks like you enjoyed that part of the trip, too!

  2. Your improv blocks are wonderful. Looks like you had a perfect trip. LOVE the block in the wild pictures, especially on that crazy-wild T-shirt!

  3. Lucky you that your husband supports your quilting passion. Mine does too. I love the NY Beauty on his back :-) I just might copy that idea from you. Love your improv blocks - bright and fun!


Sweet sentiments