Friday, December 27, 2019

Last Hurrah for 2019!

I finally finished what will be my last quilt for 2019! 
(I still have some UFO's from 2019 projects)
This quilt is one of two from the Rainbow Scrap Challenge for 2019! The block is called Waterfront Starburst from the book The Quilter's Paper Piecing Workbook. It will be a wedding gift for tomorrow's wedding! 
After sewing the blocks in a 3 x 4 array, I added large Kona white borders. This created large negative space for quilting. 
I FMQ in a rainbow, variegated thread mimicking the points of the starburst. I also straight line quilted around each starburst in the color of the star. 
It was such a warm, sunny day yesterday, I took advantage and went to the park for a photo shoot. It was almost too sunny!
The backing is pieced with fun stripes and brightly colored 
Day of the Dead fabric.
The quilt finished size is 60.5" x 74"

I'm linking up to Brag About Your Beauties over at From Bolt to Beauty, Can I get a Whoop, Whoop? at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday at Alycia Quilts, Scrap Happy Saturday at So Scrappy.
And because I promised...2019 new ornaments!
My new ornament is the snowman, my daughter's is the reindeer, and the little 3D tree is her boyfriend/partner. It has been a tradition in our family to make handmade ornaments for many years (started my my sister years ago.) We no longer exchange ornaments, but now my kids have taken up the tradition! FUN!
The little tree is so amazing! It is 3D printed! The center 2-pieced trunk fits together at 90º to form a stand, then 5 stars in varying sizes are put on, biggest to smallest. The largest size has Merry Christmas printed on it! So cute!

Thursday, December 19, 2019

December Update

December is almost over and it is time to slow down and celebrate this 
special season with family and friends!
I can say that I finally finished my Christmas sewing/handmade projects ~ 
(I only have the binding on a wedding quilt left). 
This cute little snowman coaster was part of the gift exchange for my knitting club.
The finished snowman table topper! A free tutorial from Vicki's Crafts and Quilting. It was part of the 12 Days of Christmas blog hop in July.
One was so cute, I made two!
I also made a set of garden banners ~ 12 in all to be used throughout the year and for special occasions!

I knitted a hat!
...and I completed the blocks for the Mosaic Mystery Quilt! This was step 5.
I will link up to the December flying geese link up over at Meadow Mist Designs. In January we will start putting together the quilt!
I also made my Christmas ornaments for 2019 but I forgot to take a picture. I will share on my next post 😉
I enjoy making these little projects but I still need to finish up some large quilt projects before the end of the year! 🤞🏻

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Rainbow Scrap Challenge for 2019 progress

At this time of year, many of the monthly challenges come to an end. Then it is time to try to finish them and make quilts (not UFOs)! If you have been following along with me this year for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, I did 2 blocks: The Waterfront Starburst and the Reverse Star blocks. I finished the Waterfront Starburst blocks and posted them here. Those blocks have been put together into a top and the quilt has been sandwiched and pin basted. It is now waiting for some time for me to get to the quilting! 
I finally put together the remaining Reverse Star blocks. 
in browns
in blacks
in peach/corals
Here are all the blocks together!
No sashing on this quilt but I may add a border. 
I will link up to Scrap Happy Saturday over at So Scrappy.
In the meantime, I have been working on a bit of Christmas sewing. Here is a sneak peek. 
This is a table topper from Vicki's Crafts and Quilting as part of the 12 Days of Christmas Blog Hop hosted by Sarah @Confessional of a Fabric Addict. All that's left is hand stitching the binding!